Monday, May 28, 2012

True Love Isn't The Love We Read About In Books

Every girl dreams about finding the love they hear about in songs, read about in books, and watchs in chick flicks. But that kind of love that lasts forever. To truely love someone they have to love that person in other ways too. To have a love that lasts you have to love that person unconditionaly and at times you have to choose to love them. You have to love that person like they were your beast friend. People do not fall into a love that lasts forever because it does not last forever. Love is so much more than what we read about, listen to, or watch because true love requires work at times. I love the quote someone said in class "he was my sweetheart, lover, and best friend. " That is the type of love that is required for love to endure through eternity.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Two Pieces Coming Together

Like two halves of a whole a man and a woman are supposed to come together to create one. They complete each other. Men and women cannot be equal in the worldly sense because each gender has unique characteristics that the other can never truly inhabit. In today's society we do see men who are more sensitive and women who are more aggressive; but, those two characteristics are not as well developed or innate as if you found them in the opposite gender. Men and women are supposed to come together to create one and that is why the two genders have different traits, roles, and characteristics. It is these two pieces coming together that a family is built upon.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Other Things Effect Families...Not Just Social Class

There are two ways people tend to look at social classes and the families in those classes. The first tendency that people seem to gather is those in the lower class who can provide only the physical needs for their family and nothing else, are a happy, have strong values, closer, and more functional as a family unit. The second tendency that people have is that higher class families may have excess money to spend but do not have happy, close, or functioning families.
My question is where do the middle class fall in society’s eyes and their tendencies when it comes to the family?

Yes some higher class families are dysfunctional; but, guess what some lower class families are dysfunctional too. The same appears when it comes to close happy families. When you look at social class determined by economic income that is only one factor that effects families, other factors are families values, beliefs, roles, rules, ability to communicate, work ethic, and anything else that can affect a family unit. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Family Rules

Every family has rules. Some families have tons of rules to follow and some families barely have one rule that is enforced. There are a lot of rules that different families share. Like "Be Home By Curfew" or "No Fighting" or "Work First Then Play". But there are some rules that are unique to your family. For example there is "Do NOT Lie to Mom" and my personal favorite "Answer Your Phone Before You Don't Have One". Rules should be flexible because a blanket set of rules is not always helpful to the children in the family. No child is the same and each one may need different rules. Children are all different and some rules may not apply to them and parents need to adapt to each child.